Nothing more can be built fallout 4

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As I move from town to town, people naturally offer me work. Luckily, I've found a new way to make ends meet: by talking people into things. That's a rarity though, and the deeper I slink into the wasteland the less often I encounter enemies I can threaten into submission. When the odds work out in my favor, half my enemies give up and the rest wind up shooting themselves. A couple more raiders simply surrendered, allowing me to creep away. I've also intimidated people while in battle, which has been handy. There's a 'ka-ping' sound and the person firing at you suddenly slumps over dead.

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It's rare, but in my last fight with raiders it happened twice. The level 10 Luck perk, Ricochet, means that very occasionally an enemy's bullet will miss me, bounce off something, and kill the attacker. On those occasions where combat is inevitable, I get some help from Luck.